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Leading Suppliers of Steel Bars (TOR) From Quetta, Pakistan.

BinYamin Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. specialist in manufacturing precision steel products. We have emerged as a manufacturer and Trader with a sound expertise and dedication. We direct our efforts to understand our customers current and future needs and quality expectations and try our best to meet them providing quality products, manufactured as per the best quality standard recognized at the international level.

To ensure it, we have established a quality control mechanism at our company. As our Organization is client centric. We give proper emphasis on procuring quality raw material and look after quality.

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Binyamin Steel currently has fully operational steel manufacturing units in Pakistan. This includes a state-of- the art integrated steel plant at Quetta, with facilities like DRI Unit, EAF, Continuous Billet Casting Mill, sophisticated and high-speed Rolling Mill, sophisticated and high-speed Rolling Mill, microprocessor based product technologies and fully-equipped Quality Assurance & Testing laboratories.

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BinYamin Steel Industries is promised and ensures to maintain the quality of its products and deliver it to their customers. The company is having a quality assurance department which is well equipped with modernized and state of art technological equipment and headed by the team of professionals and experts , to test and ensure that the chemical composition and Mechanical properties of raw material meeting the international standards.

Read more quality assurance